Join us for a free webinar on July 22, 2015, presented by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Building America program! Each month’s webinar will offer information about the latest advances in residential building technologies and practices, presented by Building America research team and national laboratory experts, and DOE Program Managers.
Date/Time: July 22, 2015; 3:00–4:30 PM EST. Register now!
The Building America Solution Center is known for its easy-to-follow, illustrated, step-by-step guides for installing the measures that make up high-performance homes. A number of updates have been implemented that offer exciting new tools and content that builders and industry professionals can put to work immediately. Tune in to this webinar to learn about the latest Solution Center improvements, including:
The launch of a new sales tool that will help builders and sales professionals best describe the house features that make their products unique and of higher value to consumers. This feature also allows users to customize sales brochures with their company information.
Expanded topics on existing homes and a new set of navigation features that help users easily find guides and information on these topics.
A new checklist manager to help builders who want to label their homes as Indoor airPlus. The checklist leads to expanded content on finding and using low-polluting products and practices.
Presented by:
Michael Baechler, Electricity Infrastructure and Buildings Division Senior Program Manager, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
The presentations will be followed by an interactive Q&A session. Questions? Please contact Heather Stafford.
Keep current on upcoming Building America webinars by visiting the Meetings Web page.